Welcome to Perfectly Weird Shop moody and vibrant items


Can I customize anything?

Just about anything. If there's something I can't do, I will let you know and if possible, I will direct you to someone who can do it.

Step into the realm of customization by contacting us at perfectlyweird42@gmail.com Here are the instructions for contacting us regarding customization:

1. Email Contact: Send an email to perfectlyweird42@gmail.com with all the details of your customization request.

2. Include Specifications: In your email, be sure to include specific details about what customization you are looking for. This could include changes in color, design, personalization options, or any other specific requirements you may have.

3. Wait for Assessment: Once we receive your email, our team will carefully assess your customization request to determine its feasibility.

4. Quote and Timeline: After evaluating your request, we will send you a response with a customized quote for the requested customization and an estimated timeline for completion.

5. Confirmation and Payment: If you are satisfied with the quote and timeline provided, confirm your customization order with us. We will then proceed with the necessary arrangements, including payment processing if applicable.

6. Feedback: We value your feedback! After receiving your customized product, feel free to share your thoughts and experiences with us.

By following these instructions, you can easily contact us and embark on a personalized customization journey tailored to your preferences. We are excited to hear from you and create something uniquely special together!
